2023 Symposium
The aim of the event was to share knowledge, frameworks, legislative context, biodiversity impacts and control options for the management of feral cats in the state. We heard from some of the nation’s leading researchers, conservation groups and government on the innovative future of feral cat control and local successes in tackling a major cause of decline for many of Australia’s endangered species.
The second Feral Cat Symposium was held on the 13-16 Feb 2023 at the University Western Australia, Perth.
The University Club of Western Australia, Hackett Drive, Crawley WA 6009.
13-15 February 2023
15.30 – 16.00 Arrival and Registration
16.00 – 16.10
Welcome and acknowledgement of Country Kath Broderick MC
Introduction and aspirations Susan Hunt & Judy Dunlop (WA Feral Cat Working Group)
16.10 – 16.32
Creating a future for endangered species – Collaborative research into feral cat management Tony Buckmaster (Centre for Invasive Species Solutions)
Feral/stray/pet: Definitions matter when managing cats Jenni Loveland (Oyster Harbour Catchment Group)
Challenges in achieving humane and effective feral cat control Talia Morgan (RSPCA Australia)
Assessment of feral cats in Dryandra, Western Australia Heather Crawford (Murdoch University)
Managing feral cats in a multi-tenure landscape Jeff Pinder (Bush Heritage Australia)
09.00 – 09.20
Welcome Kath Broderick MC
Welcome to Noongar Country Brett Collard (Dooga Waalitj Healing)
Opening address Julie Quinn (Office of the Threatened Species Commissioner)
09.20 – 9.40
Progressing cat management in WA, the last four years Jane O’Malley (Peel-Harvey Catchment Council & Bruce Webber (WA Biodiversity Science Institute)
What does the future of feral cat control look like in Australia? Owain Edwards, Di Evans, Gay Mackenzie
9.40 – 10.10 Plenary Speakers
NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub Sarah Legge Australian National University/Charles Darwin University
30 years of feral cat management in WA Dave Algar Biodiversity Conservation Science
10.20 – 10.50 Morning Tea
10.50 – 11.25 Threatened species management and success stories
Looking after threatened species and controlling cats: The Anangu way Jodie Ward (Kiwirrkurra IPA)
Protecting threatened species on Ngururrpa Country Angie Reid (Ngururrpa Rangers)
Do feral megaherbivores facilitate feral cat activity in high-rainfall savannas? Georgina Neave (Charles Darwin University)
11.35 – 12.15 Feral cats and people: cat legislation and social license
How should we talk about cats? Insights from recent public polling and focus group research James Trezise (Invasive Species Council)
Effective management needs to be more than just numbers, you need a plan Gillian Basnett (Centre for Invasive Species Solutions)
Meeting in the middle: Managing stray cat populations in Australia Heather Crawford (Murdoch University)
Feral cats – Community engagement across a landscape Cynthia Schaap (Landcare Tasmania)
12.25 – 13.25 Lunch
13.25 – 13.55 Plenary Speakers
‘Herding Cats’: Challenges and opportunities of individual variability in managing cats John Read (Thylation group)
AI and automation for cat monitoringTrish Fleming (Murdoch University)
14.05 – 14.55 Improved and emerging management techniques
Feral cat management and environmental approvals Graham Thompson (Terrestrial Ecosystems)
Potential for improving feral cat baiting efficiency by integrating habitat selection data Ned Ryan-Schofield (Bush Heritage Australia)
Immunocontraceptives for feral cat control in Australia Ellen Cottingham (University of Melbourne)
Developing pipelines for vertebrate genetic biocontrol Stephen Frankenberg (University of Melbourne)
14.55 – 15.40 Afternoon Tea
15.40 – 16.20 Threatened species management and success stories
Western Shield: Landscape scale feral cat management Ashley Millar (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions)
A comparison of toxic baits for feral cat and fox control in southwest Western Australia: An adaptive management experiment testing the effectiveness of cat management in complex management areas Michelle Drew (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions)
Feral cats, Kyloring [Western Ground Parrot] and conservation on the south coast of WA Abby Thomas (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions)
The use of artificial refuges by small vertebrates after prescribed fire Darcy Watchorn (Deakin University)
A neighbourhood approach to feral cat management to protect Numbats in Dryandra Woodland Christine Townsend (Peel-Harvey Catchment Council)
16.20 – 16.32 Speed Talks
Dryandra Woodland National Park life after feral cats Peter Lacey (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions)
Intensive adoption as a management strategy for unowned, urban cats Michael Calver (Murdoch University)
Here kitty-kitty: Lure choice for predator attraction in a temperate rainforest Alexandra Paton (University of Tasmania)
18.00 Conference Dinner
09.00 – 09.15
Welcome Kath Broderick MC
Guest speaker Hon Reece Whitby MLA Minister for Environment; Climate Action
9.15 – 9.45 Plenary Speakers
The journey of a WA local council in changing cat ownership laws Adin Lang (City of Fremantle)
Gene technology and its potential for pest control Paul Thomas (The University of Adelaide)
9.55 – 10.25 Morning Tea
10.25 – 11.15 Threatened species management and success stories
Trialling the use of Felixers on the Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area Delston Ashwin & Tremaine Anderson (Birriliburu Rangers)
Cats on Country – The journey of Nyangumarta Rangers managing cats on their country Jacob Loughridge (Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation)
The importance of flexibility and persistence in feral cat management Amanda Bourne (Australian Wildlife Conservancy)
Managing feral cats to protect the Central Rock-rat Alistair Stewart (Northern Territory Department of Environment Parks and Water Security)
11.25 – 12.10 Improved and emerging management techniques
Cats are attracted to successful conservation efforts Hugh McGregor (Nature Foundation)
Efficacy of targeted cat control at Yampi Sound Training Area Braden Riles (Australian Wildlife Conservancy)
Testing the use of Felixer- grooming traps to control cats in the jarrah forest of Western Australia Brian Chambers (South West Catchments Council)
What is the temporal and spatial scale of impacts of a novel feral cat control method on cat activity? Michelle Hall (Bush Heritage Australia)
Felixer Feral Cat Grooming Trap trials in the presence of Northern Quolls in the Pilbara region of Western Australia Todd Edwards (Fortescue Metals Group)
13.20 – 13.50 Plenary Speakers
Managing predator impacts for a resilient landscape Guy Ballard (Vertebrate Pest Research Unit, Department of Primary industry NSW)
Improving the outlook for Australia’s native species Katherine Moseby (University of New South Wales)
14.00 – 14.40 Managing predators in a complex environment: interactive threats
Feral cat responses to fire: New field data and a review Tim Doherty (The University of Sydney)
The curious cat: Feral cat activity at artificial refuges Tenaya Duncan (Murdoch University)
The ecology of feral cats on the south coast of Western Australia Sarah Comer (University of Western Australia / Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions)
Monitoring and managing feral cats in an arid landscape Cheryl Lohr (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions)
14.50 – 15.22 Improved and emerging management techniques
Setting the scene for failure: Victorian feral cat legislation, social license dimensions and the French Island feral cat eradication project Michael Johnston (Environmental Consultant)
Towards a feral cat free Kangaroo Island James Smith (Kangaroo Island Landscape Board)
A case study: Improving the efficiency of feral cat control in one of Australia’s Special Places Paul Jennings (Kangaroo Island Landscape Board)
Feral cat impacts on a threatened endemic marsupial in the wake of the Black Summer Bushfires – NGO response to protect the Kangaroo Island Dunnart Pat Hodgens (Terrain Ecology)
15.42 Afternoon Tea
15.45 (Optional) Karakamia Sanctuary for BBQ and night stalk
Welcome to Noongar Country
Brett Collard
Dooga Waalitj Healing
Opening address
Julie Quinn
Office of the Threatened Species Commissioner
Presentation | Video
Guest speaker
Hon Reece Whitby MLA
Minister for Environment; Climate Action
Progressing cat management in WA, the last four years
Jane O’Malley, PHCC / Bruce Webber WABSI
Presentation | Video
NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub
Sarah Legge, Australian National University/Charles Darwin University
Presentation | Video
30 Years of feral cat management in WA
Dave Algar, Biodiversity Conservation Science
Presentation | Video
Looking after threatened species and controlling cats: the Anangu way
Jodie Ward, Kiwirrkurra IPA
Presentation | Video
Protecting Threatened Species On Ngururrpa Country
Angie Reid, Ngururrpa rangers
Presentation | Video
Do feral megaherbivores facilitate feral cat activity in high-rainfall savannas?
Georgina Neave, Charles Darwin University
Presentation | Video
How should we talk about cats? Insights from recent public polling and focus group research
James Trezise, Invasive Species Council
Effective management needs to be more than just numbers, you need a plan
Gillian Basnett, CISS
Presentation | Video
Meeting in the middle: Managing stray cat populations in Australia
Heather Crawford, Murdoch University
Presentation | Video
Feral cats – Community engagement across a landscape
Cynthia Schaap, Landcare Tasmania
Presentation | Video
‘Herding Cats’: Challenges and opportunities of individual variablity in managing cats
John Read, Thylation group
Presentation | Video
AI and automation for cat monitoring
Trish Fleming, Murdoch University
Presentation | Video
Feral cat management and environmental approvals
Graham Thompson, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Presentation | Video
Potential for improving feral cat baiting efficiency by integrating habitat selection data
Ned Ryan-Schofield, Bush Heritage Australia
Presentation | Video
Immunocontraceptives for feral cat control in Australia
Ellen Cottingham, University of Melbourne
Developing pipelines for vertebrate genetic biocontrol
Stephen Frankenberg, University of Melbourne
Presentation | Video
Western Shield: Landscape scale feral cat management
Ashley Millar, DBCA
Presentation | Video
A comparison of toxic baits for feral cat and fox control in southwest Western Australia
Michelle Drew, DBCA
Presentation | Video
Feral cats, Kyloring and conservation on the south coast of WA
Abby Thomas, DBCA
Presentation | Video
The use of artificial refuges by small vertebrates after prescribed fire
Darcy Watchorn, Deakin University
Presentation | Video
A neighbourhood approach to feral cat management to protect Numbats in Dryandra Woodland
Christine Townsend, PHCC
Presentation | Video
Dryandra Woodland National Park life after feral cats
Peter Lacey, DBCA
Presentation | Video
Intensive adoption as a management strategy for unowned, urban cats
Michael Calver, Murdoch University
Presentation | Video
Here kitty-kitty: Lure choice for predator attraction in a temperate rainforest
Alexandra Paton, University of Tasmania
Presentation | Video
The journey of a WA local council in changing cat ownership laws
Adin Lang, City of Fremantle
Presentation | Video
Gene technology and its potential for pest control
Paul Thomas, The University of Adelaide
Presentation | Video
Trialling the use of Felixers on the Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area
Delston Ashwin & Tremaine Anderson, Birriliburu Rangers
Presentation | Video
Cats on country – The journey of Nyangumarta Rangers managing cats on their country
Jacob Loughridge, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation
Presentation | Video
The importance of flexibility and persistence in feral cat management
Amanda Bourne, Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Presentation | Video
Managing feral cats to protect the Central Rock-rat
Alistair Stewart, NT Department of Environment Parks and Water Security
Presentation | Video
Cats are attracted to successful conservation efforts
Hugh McGregor, Nature Foundation
Presentation | Video
Efficacy of targeted cat control at Yampi Sound Training Area
Braden Riles, Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Presentation | Video
Testing the use of Felixer- grooming traps to control cats in the jarrah forest of Western Australia
Brian Chambers, SWCC
Presentation | Video
What is the temporal and spatial scale of impacts of a novel feral cat control method on cat activity?
Michelle Hall, Bush Heritage Australia
Presentation | Video
Felixer Feral Cat Grooming Trap trials in the presence of Northern Quolls in the Pilbara region of Western Australia
Todd Edwards, Fortescue Metals Group
Presentation | Video
Managing predator impacts for a resilient landscape
Guy Ballard, Vertebrate Pest Research Unit, Department of Primary industry NSW
Presentation | Video
A day in the life of ……… Understanding feral cat behaviour to improve cat control and inform predator thresholds
Katherine Moseby, University of New South Wales
Presentation | Video
Feral cat responses to fire: new field data and a review
Tim Doherty, The University of Sydney
Presentation | Video
The curious cat: Feral cat activity at artificial refuges
Tenaya Duncan, Murdoch University
Presentation | Video
The ecology of feral cats on the south coast of Western Australia
Sarah Comer, UWA / DBCA
Presentation | Video
Monitoring and managing feral cats in an arid landscape
Cheryl Lohr, DBCA
Presentation | Video
Setting the scene for failure: Victorian feral cat legislation, social license dimensions and the French Island feral cat eradication project
Michael Johnston
Presentation | Video
Towards a feral cat free Kangaroo Island
James Smith, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Presentation | Video
A case study: Improving the efficiency of feral cat control in one of Australia’s special places
Paul Jennings, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Presentation | Video
Feral cat impacts on a threatened endemic marsupial in the wake of the Black Summer Bushfires – NGO response to protect the Kangaroo Island dunnart
Pat Hodgens, Terrain Ecology
Presentation | Video